Welcome to the Highgate Greens Homeowners Association web site. Whether you are a resident of Highgate Greens or “just shopping,” Highgate Greens is one of the best communities to in all of Virginia Beach! The reasons are clear:
- Compare the exceptional work the Landscape Committee has done to maintain and improve the appearance of the neighborhood over the years. Landscaping can be easier to notice when it is not done correctly vs. when it is.
- Take a look at the homes in the neighborhood, for the most part we as residents make it our responsibilities to keep our properties looking great year round.
- Many of our homeowners are the original owners. A low turnover rate is a measure of the quality of a neighborhood, people want to live here.
Like any neighborhood, there is always room for improvement. This may include getting involved in your community or at the very least being considerate of your neighbors. If you intend on performing any type of construction or home improvement, you must have approval from the HOA Architectural Committee.
Even though we have a “one way in, one way out” neighborhood there is still crime that takes place. Please report any type of crime to the community watch committee and keep an eye out for anything that does not look right. Slow down on the streets, we are a neighborhood with joggers, walkers, children on bikes, etc. and want to avoid any tragedies. You will not save that much time getting from the neighborhood entrance to your house.
Current homeowners, to keep this neighborhood an outstanding community, ask yourself honestly if you are in compliance with the HOA Rules and Guidelines. If you haven’t read them recently, you’ll find them in our Disclosure Package (available on this site only to homeowners). This is not just for your own benefit but out of consideration and respect to those that live around you. Please understand how much of a direct bearing your actions and the upkeep of your property (or lack of) have on all of your neighbors.
Finally, get involved with your neighborhood. You may be busy like everyone else, but don’t use that as an excuse. Helping out will not take a lot of your time. We are currently seeking a committee person for the Architectural Committee. Qualifications for this position include a certain amount of background in construction and the ability to read construction plans. Our social committee is always looking for residents to volunteer for Happy Hour Hosting and Christmas Party Hosting.