Announcement: Revised By-laws and Declarations and Restrictions Approved and Recorded
Thank you for visiting our Highgate Greens HOA website. Highgate Greens is a friendly upscale neighborhood located between Red Mill and the Courthouse area of Virginia Beach off Princess Anne Road. Our neighborhood consists of 184 homes, three lakes, and three common areas. We are conveniently located close to shopping areas, Sandbridge Beach and Virginia Beach’s Oceanfront. We are also located next to the Pungo area, 20 minutes from Virginia Beach’s Town Center, and surrounded by golf courses such as Hell’s Point and Heron Ridge.
If you are a homeowner in Highgate Greens, you may request to be an HOA web site member to receive information by using the Online Registration under the Membership tab or by simply clicking here. Stay connected to your community:
- Highgate Greens is on Facebook! There you will find the latest updates, social events and news. Homeowners may request to be added as a “Friend” to the Highgate Greens Facebook page.
- This community is also using the Nextdoor App. It provides timely information right to your mobile device and to your email account. Find it (free) on your App Store.
If you are not a homeowner and would like to receive further information, please click the Contact tab and fill in your information as requested on the form. An administrator will follow up with your request.